The dorsal and posterior of the three principal bones composing either half of the pelvis consisting in humans of a thick portion, a large rough eminence on which the body rests when sitting, and a forwardly directed ramus which joins that of the pubis.
Letter: i
Characterized by normal pressure or density. Applies to a solution with specific gravity equal to that of another solution (e.g. cerebrospinal fluid) taken as a reference.
Separation of infected/exposed persons from others for the period of communicability in order to reduce infection transmission risks.
Tube feeding formula osmolality of about 300 mOsm, which is equivalent to the body fluid osmolality.
Descriptive term pertaining to some object (a void), event (a fracture), or potential field (a shear stress) referenced as existing or occurring between two or more adjacent laminae.
An agent that destroys all vegetative bacteria, including tubercle bacilli, lipid and some non-lipid viruses, and fungi, but not bacterial spores.
Feeding smaller amounts of formula frequently during the day or night.
A feeding administration method where a larger volume of formula is delivered over about 30 minutes and is given at set intervals throughout the day. It is usually given via the gravity method and allows the patient increased mobility.
An association which develops test methods and standards for various nonwoven products.