[Also, interspinal ligament] One of the thin membranous ligaments that connect the spinous processes of adjoining vertebrae. The ligament extends from the base to the apex of the spinous process.

The space or gap in a tissue or structure of an organ.

Specialty with medical imaging (Radiology) which uses various radiology techniques such as x-ray, CT scans, MR scans, and ultrasounds to perform minimally invasive procedures for both diagnostic (angiograms) and therapeutic purposes (e.g., angioplasties).

A subspecialty of radiology in which minimally invasive procedures are performed using image guidance.

A broad disk of fibrocartilage situated between adjacent vertebrae of the spinal column.

A lateral passage between two adjacent vertebrae, through which the spinal nerve and blood vessels pass.

The valleys between intestinal villi.

Movement of bacteria from the gut into the bloodstream. Risks of this occurring are increased in patients who are on chemotherapy, are malnourished, burn or trauma patients, in shock, or are on heavy antibiotics, altering the intestinal flora and function.

The inner cellular lining of the vein wall which consists of a single cell; generally intima means innermost.

The pressure within the alveoli of the lungs. SYN: alveolar pressure; intrapulmonary pressure.