Respiratory Inductive Plethysmography

A characteristic, behavior; or experience that increases the probability of developing a negative health outcome (e.g., infection).

A method to allow comparisons of outcomes by grouping similar subgroups together within samples and populations (e.g., Surgical Site Infection Risk Index).

Resting Metabolic Rate

An enzyme that breaks down RNA. Present on standard gloves, additional processing is required for its removal. It is ubiquitous and thus more difficult to avoid. Real problem in molecular biology, forensic and RNA research labs.

A condition resulting from the accumulation of carbon dioxide; blood pH falls markedly as the hydrogen ion concentration increases.

The trachea, bronchi, and their terminal branches. SYN tracheobronchial tree.

Cold and bronchitis and rarely pneumonia. Very contagious, especially in children.

The ratio of carbon dioxide eliminated from the tissues relative to the oxygen taken up by the lungs. (In the homeostatic state, the respiratory exchange ratio is normally equal to the metabolic respiratory quotient.)

A functional collection of nerve cells in the brainstem that control ventilatory activity. The cells are linked together to form a neural net that includes the motorneurons innervating respiratory muscles. Three distinct neuronal complexes comprise the respiratory center in the brainstem: dorsal respiratory group (DRG), ventral respiratory group (VRG), and the pontine respiratory group (PRG). The spinal respiratory group (SRG) is located in the spinal cord.